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Marlene Kiers

Photo of Marlene Kiers


Hello, my name is Marlene Kiers and I have been working as the librarian at TCS for 9 years. I have two children who are both graduates of TCS and we have loved this school for many years. I really enjoy being the librarian because I get to see every student at TCS during their library classes.  It has been alot of fun getting to know all of them and seeing them grow each year.  I also enjoy putting a good book in the hands of every student who comes in and I enjoy the challenge of getting to foster the love of reading in each of them.  One of the biggest highlights for us is the book fair, which is held every January.  It is a wonderful way to raise money for the library and to be able to provide good books and fun things for the students and their families.  If you ever have any questions or would just like to see the library, stop in any time.